
Justine Ludwig (Switzerland)

... Ich möchte mich von ganzem Herzen bei jedem einzelnen von euch bedanken. Die beste Zeit meines Lebens durfte ich bei euch verbringen....  Plus

Mike Moscato (USA)

...This Fall four friends and I travelled to Alghero ... To put it mildly, the expectations of the group were wildly exceeded.  Plus

St. Paul’s School of London

In my opinion it is quite simply the best school language trip our school offers – each year the trip is oversubscribed.  Plus

Patrick Dupuis (Belgium)

Je suis vraiment heureux d'avoir suivi, durant une semaine, les cours de Pintadera.  Plus

Anita (Austria)

Mi sono innamorata di Alghero dal primo momento. Una piccola e bellissima città sul mare, dove posso guardare il tramonto quasi ogni sera.  Plus

Shani H. (USA)

I was also in Sardinia in order to apply for my Italian citizenship via “jure sanguinis”... I am a dual Italian American citizen as well. I could not have done this without Nicola, Angela, and Pintadera’s help.  Plus

Derek Alessandro Ginori (USA)

La mia esperienza a Pintadera era unica al mondo. La mia competenza in italiano e notevolmente migliorata dopo aver seguito dei corsi individuali di grammatica C2 per tre mesi ...  Plus

Ski-Akademie Schladming

Im vormittäglichen Intensivsprachkurs der sehr professionellen, kleinen aber feinen Sprachschule „Pintadera“ wurde die Sprachkenntnisse unserer ragazzi vertieft.  Plus

Nicole Wilson (New Zealand)

Pintadera is more than a school. Pintadera is a family. And as I sit here enjoying one of my last evenings in Alghero, reflecting on how much I have learned this summer, I am already planning my return.  Plus

Regine Karthaus (Germany)

...Für mich ist der schönste Ort Alghero mit seiner wunderbaren, familiären Sprachschule CENTRO MEDITERRANEO PINTADERA.  Plus

Jason Baxter (USA)

As a college professor, I had previously studied in at least a half dozen different cities in Italy, and I have to say I think Pintadera is the most friendly and the most accommodating school I have been associated with.  Plus

Tom Helm (England)

Pintadera offers a fantastic and highly personalized service. Both Nicola and Angela really care about their students, taking their time to welcome them not only to the school, but to Alghero itself.  Plus

Dina Poma (USA)

I am happy to say that I not only passed the language exam with flying colors, but I also took a bit of Sardinia and Pintadera with me when I returned home.  Plus

Ingo Kober (Germany)

Nach zwei Wochen in der Sprachenschule „Pintadera“ in Alghero kann ich dieses Institut nur wärmstens empfehlen.  Plus

Jonas Tophoven (France)

Et l’école Pintadera et bien plus qu’une école de langue. C’est une plateforme d’activités, de convivialité, ancré au beau milieu de la vieille ville.  Plus

Marianna Chaves (Brazil)

A Pintadera sono stata ricevuta a braccia aperte, trattata con grande educazione. Ho trovato molta assistenza, ma anche molto affetto.  Plus

Sigrid Hering (Germany)

Ich danke euch, allen Lehrerinnen, für den tollen Unterricht – ich habe viel gelernt und Angela und Nicola für die „amicizia“.  Plus

Midge Guerrera (USA)

What a wonderful way to become part of a city and a community and a learning environment. The people we studied with became our social connections.  Plus

Juande Blasco (Spain)

C’era una volta un nascondiglio in un piccolo paese, che in silenzio, parlava con le pietre eterne, con gli inesperti fiori. Le parole sognavano di essere lette ed io giocavo a prendere il volo con loro.  Plus

Sharon Blomfield (Canada)

Jim and I have to tell you again how much we enjoyed Alghero, Pintadera and all the wonderful people we met there.  Plus

Renske Putnam (Holland)

I like the personal approach. Classes aren’t too big and it is not just about learning the rules.  Plus

Crisa Bania (Greece)

Io sono greca; quindi, Neptuno e il mio bisnonno e so che le piace mescolare le alghe con il suo tridente  Plus

Michèle Provost (Canada)

Alle donne della Pintadera – è stato una aventura meravigliosa, incredibile. Ho imparato tanto…  Plus

Marlene M. (USA)

My son Julian, a sophomore in high school, was having some difficulty with Italian.  Plus

Jana Dalichow (Germany)

Das erste Mal kam ich zu Pintadera weil es so praktisch war... Das zweite Mal, weil ich...  Plus

Joanna Szymczak (Poland)

Pintadera is a small school and thanks to this fact you don’t feel like just another student but really a part of the family.  Plus

Regine Karthaus (Germany)

...Für mich ist der schönste Ort Alghero mit seiner wunderbaren, familiären Sprachschule CENTRO MEDITERRANEO PINTADERA.  Plus

Camp d'été pour adolescents

Ich hatte von Anfang an ein so gutes Gefühl und volles Vertrauen zu Ihnen. Ihre Organisation war sehr professionell und ich würde Ihre Schule sofort und jederzeit weiterempfehlen.  Plus

Andy Gescher (Germany)

...Le “donne di Pintadera”, le insegnante e le due diretrice, sono veramente gentile e simpatiche.  Plus